Required Speaker Information

When submitting your headshot, please ensure that the photo provided is clear and of high quality.
Top Tip: Given that the title of your talk is the first thing attendees get to see, it’s recommended that you choose a fairly short, but informative, title that clearly conveys what you will be talking about and draws attendees’ attention to your topic.
The goal of your talk abstract is to tell attendees why they should attend your talk and what they’ll get gain from doing so. In order to be effective and generate the necessary buzz and interest, this should provide a clear and concise overview of the contents of your talk. Ideally, this abstract should only be one paragraph of between 150 to 250 words in length.
Here, it would be ideal if you could list and outline 4-5 key elements of the topic you’ve chosen for your talk.
Here, we’re looking for a response in minutes. Please ensure that you aim for 30-45 minutes
Have you given this talk before and/or are you planning on giving it elsewhere in the near future? If this is the case, please list where and when. If the answer is no, please write N/A below.
Will you be sending your presentation prior to the event?
Please upload these in PPT or PDF format.
Here, we’re looking for you to provide something (a document, booklet, workbook, etc) for those listening to your talk and watching your presentation to follow along with.
Use this part to let us know of anything you’d like to mention. For example, this could be information that doesn’t quite fit within the above categories, questions regarding this form and the next steps, etc.